During February 2024, Entrepreneurial Discovery Workshops were held to explore the five Innovation Opportunities identified in the Shaping Murrindindi’s Future Regional Context Analysis Report:

At the conclusion of these workshops, support was received to progress four opportunities to the next stage: Innovation Working Groups.
These Innovation Working Groups are:

The Working Groups began in May 2024 and will continue through 2024 or until the projects are complete.

Community Capacity Building

I am pleased to announce that we have been successful in receiving a $300,000 grant through the Community Development Fund to provide a range of capacity building training programs for the Murrindindi Shire community. LEARN MORE

Forestry Transition Fund

This fund is available through the Victorian Forestry Program, and is available for businesses in Murrindindi Shire to help fund new projects that will create new and ongoing employment. LEARN MORE

Shaping Murrindindi’s Future project is proudly supported by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, RMIT University and Murrindindi Shire Council.